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Random words replace profanity

     So we've all learned it the hard way, accidentally spilling out a few choice words in front of Mom and Dad is not always a good idea. What do you say these days instead of the words that used to get you a mouthful of soap?

     OK, we'll start with the tame ones and go from there.

Shoot. I think this was the first "bad word" we were all allowed to say. When we were five, our parents told us not to say it, but eventually they gave in.

Crap. Which came shortly after shoot.

Pee pee/Wee wee. Time out. This is not something that we say, rather something that as far back as I can remember, moms have been calling "private parts."

     Where the hell did this come from? My mom also says "cheese and rice" instead of Jesus Christ. Geez …

Heck/Helk/Jebus. This is when Mom reminded us that changing one or two letters didn't change the fact that you were thinking the same thing.

F/A/B. This includes A-hole and D-bag. This transitioned us to high school, when saying just the first letters was the cool thing to do. But moms and teachers were quick to remind us that this wasn't going to fly either.

Freak and Frick. They sound wonderfully similar if muffled when something is really not going your way, but if you are in the company of others.

Fudge. Apparently we then got creative with substitutions.       Personally, I think fudge is a good thing, but hey. This leads me to the next one.

Balls/ballsack. Now, I realize that this isn't something most of us say in front of our parents but at times, it's better than the alternative.

     The funny thing is that girls say it when something negative happens, but guys say it when something positive or cool happens. It's quite a discrepancy.

     I'd like to dedicate this one to Ms. Jayme Detweiler, who uses it way too often.

God bless America/God bless it. Now we get to the phrases. You can still say the same phrases with the same emotion and inflection, just swap out a word or two.

Shut the front door. And they make less sense from here … Maybe these ones are just for comedic purposes. Son of a Biscuit. Son of a Bee Sting. What the French Toast.

     And finally, the infamous ...

Shmer. This one was made famous by Tibby. Lauren Tibjash graduated in 2009 and her made-up word still lives on.

     This one can be anything. It can replace any word. It is the most versatile of them all. Shmer can mean anything you want it to. t&c;

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