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New semester, new staff and more journalism

Students will now be able to send their opinion articles to T & C to be published.


First and foremost, welcome back to Otterbein, Cards! Here at T&C Media, we cannot wait to begin this new semester and start reporting on campus with our new staff. 

This semester, we look forward to articles on the usual topics: Sports, governance and Greek life. Alongside these, however, will be stories covering the arts, theater, technology, and the impact of COVID-19 on Otterbein's various departments (among other topics).

New to T&C this semester, we will be opening our opinion section to groups across campus. We would love to hear from students who have stories to share with their peers, and hope to give students a larger voice on campus. Students who would like to take part in this initiative can email us at where we can help walk you through the writing process.

Despite any obstacles that the COVID-19 pandemic may cause, we will strive to continue top-notch reporting on this campus. If you want to stay up to date on all the stories, be sure to follow our Instagram (@TandCMedia) and our Twitter (TandC_Media). 

Stay healthy Cards, and you’ll hear more from us soon.

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