When I am not traveling around the country, I am experiencing student life at Legon. Here is a description of my typical week day…

I wake up and jump into the cold shower generally with some bugs and/or gecko friends. I normally have a relaxing oatmeal and coffee breakfast at Tasty Treats, the small and very, very slow restaurant in our dorm. I then head to campus for lectures, which is generally a 30 minute walk through the red dirt paths and roads of Legon campus. After class I may go to the International Programmes Office or run errands on campus, and if I am in a good mood I might grab an iced Nescafe at Aquafo hall.

This entire time I am sweating because it is very, very hot here, although my body has accustomed quite well. I then head back to “ISH II”, my hostel, wash the red dirt off my feet and spend time in my room. I get online, message friends, read, journal and sketch, and work on homework. I normally go to the “Night Market”, the small market right behind my hostel, for dinner.

In the evenings I normally spend time with friends in the dorm watching movies or out somewhere. Sometimes we even catch a pick-up game of football in the parking lot. Every night have several bizarre dreams because of my anti-Malarial medication, and do my best to keep cool.