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Otterbein students make plans for the historic 2024 total solar eclipse
Otterbein students make plans for the historic 2024 total solar eclipse

Otterbein's campus to experience the first total solar eclipse in over 100 years

Students have different plans for how they will view the historic eclipse

Today, Otterbein students don't have to travel far to see the total solar eclipse that is making it's way across America right now. Joining them, is millions of Americans traveling to central Ohio to be within the line of totality.

According to NASA, a total solar eclipse, "happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun." This means that the area within the path of totality, and parts outside of it, will become noticeably darker, and in some places, it will be comparable to nighttime.

Since central and northern Ohio are within the path of totality, Ohio is expecting to see millions of tourists to experience the rare occurance. According to the Great American Eclipse, there will be 1 to 4 million Americans traveling to the path of totality. Ohio is estimated to have between 125,000 and 500,000 tourists traveling to the state. 

Ohio's last total solar eclipse was over 100 years ago, in 1806. The next one in Ohio won't be until 2099. 

To celebrate the eclipse, Otterbein will be hosting an eclipse totality party in Memorial Stadium on April 8 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Otterbein will be providing glasses for all attendees for safe viewing of the eclipse, demonstrations to improve understanding from students, along with eclipse related games and treats.

Many students at Otterbein are planning on taking time to experience the eclipse. Some are traveling north to be closer to the line of totality, whereas many are staying on campus. First year student, Anna Byers says she will be going to Memorial Stadium to watch the eclipse.

"Yeah I'm going to be watching it, I'm going to the campus thing because we don't have class," says Byers.

While some students have set plans, many say they will be just watching it from wherever they happen to be at the time. First year student Nathan Narcelles, says he's keeping his plans loose.

"I wasn't really aware it was on Monday, so I guess I'm just going to be doing whatever. Maybe I'll take a look at it, it depends," says Narcelles. "I think it's important to see it, but if you miss it, it's not a big deal."

Still, many students are excited about this opportunity to experience something so rare. First year student, Mitchell Green says he thinks seeing the total solar eclipse is important to him.

"I mean it happens every like, what is it, 100 years or something like that? Yeah, it's important," says Green.

Those who plan to view the eclipse should make sure they don't look directly into the sun, to avoid eye damage. According to NASA, the safest way to view the total solar eclipse is with the glasses that comply with the ISO 12312-2 international safety standard. These glasses will have the ISO logo on the side.

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