By now all of us have heard about Bernie Fine and what he has done. However some news people are discussing whether Jim Boeheim, the head coach of Syracuse basketball, should lose his job over this. He shouldn’t.

The difference between this and Penn State was that there was a Grand Jury testimony and everyone within the program knew what Sandusky did. Boeheim knew nothing. He rarely saw Fine during the practices and games. Fine was even rarely seen at his summer camps as well. If no one saw Fine do this and Boeheim was rarely with him, why should he get fired?

None of these allegations came out until the victims stepped forward and started talking to the media. When that happened Boeheim stuck with his friend until new evidence was released. When the allegations became true Boeheim said that he was disappointed that Fine could do such a thing and that he should be let go.

It was an unconditional relationship. Boeheim stuck with his friend until he learned more. That’s when he knew Fine had to go. I support what Boeheim did because he showed his loyalty with his friend until he learned more. After that he knew he had to do the right thing. This isn’t like Penn State where everyone knew what Sandusky did and all they did was report it to the University, not the police.

People may still disagree with this but I don’t. He did the right thing and that’s it. However if new info comes across that he did know what was going on, I’ll change my stance. Just because I make a statement doesn’t mean I have to stick with it if new information arrives. That’s what Boeheim did and that’s what I’m doing.