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Senior Goodbye Column: You can do a whole lot in only four years

Katie Frame reflects on her time at Otterbein and the opportunities that the communication department has provided to her.

When I first started looking at colleges, I found myself drawn to Capital University. I told this to my AP Calculus teacher - an Otterbein alum - who convinced me that if I liked Capital, I would like Otterbein better. She was right. 

Because of that, I ended up moving into Mayne Hall in the fall of 2018, fresh out of high school and absolutely terrified. I very quickly learned that having no air conditioning in your dorm is its own personal form of hell, and the orientation leaders lied to me when they said the food was good and that I wouldn’t need my car. 

But not everything was bad. I had a good roommate, I joined a sorority, and I found myself filming live sports for T&C Media, even though I wasn’t into sports in the slightest. This leads me to the first person I want to thank in this goodbye column. 

Steve Rossman. For someone who had the hardest time remembering my name - and still sometimes calls me Hannah - you’ve had the biggest impact on my college career. I had never touched a camera before you shoved one in my hands and told me to go film a soccer practice. You’ve found me crying in an editing booth multiple times, and you’ve even banned me from your office for trying to talk to you while I had a cold. You keep joking that you’ll be “Niagara Falls” watching Delaney and I walk across the stage in May, but I am 100% certain I will cry saying goodbye to you. 

To my first staff partner: Emma Wardell, you are a light in my life. I was only 19 when I got hired for Editor-in-Chief, and I never would’ve made it through that year without you as my managing editor. I’ve had a lot of editors over the years, and no one has - or will - top you. Thank you for getting me into David Fincher and Gillian Flynn. Love you more than I love the Oxford comma. 

To my second staff partner: Ian Gillen, I can’t believe we both made it out of that alive. Most of the time it was unclear if we wanted to kill each other or everyone else, but we worked well together, and I’m thankful it was you I had to spend that horrible COVID-19 year on staff with. Thank God the new staff has a copy editing class. I can’t wait to see you managing a sports team someday. 

To my photographer: Julia Kelley, you already know everything I could tell you. No photog will ever top you.

To the new staff: I’m so proud of you three. You’ve done more in two weeks than Ian and I did in two months. Your student reporters are great, Lilly is killing social, and Hayden and Ty are the leaders T&C needed. If I had to hand down an organization that has been my child for the last three years, I’m glad it’s to you guys. If you ever need anything, you have my number. 

And finally, to Hillary Warren. I would like to say I’m no longer afraid of you, but that is simply not true. You’ve taught me almost everything I know, and I would like to think I’ve taught you some grammar as well. You deserve the sabbatical you’re getting next semester. Hopefully Ty breaks the cycle and doesn’t screw something up so badly that you have to come back and fix it. At least you taught us that we can’t buy a sidewalk. Warren, stay in touch. 

I’ve done so much in four years that it doesn’t even seem fathomable. I’ve been a part of the, Tan & Cardinal Magazine and the live sports team. I represented the department in front of the Board of Trustees, and I participated in the Ohio State University's National Security Simulation. I won the Verda B. Evans Award for Journalism last spring, and I’ve had my work submitted to the ONMA Awards. I’ve had internships at WHIZ Media and Spectrum News One Columbus, and I was hired as a copywriter with Heartland Creative Studio post-graduation. I even covered the 2019 Democratic National Debate. And I did all of that in four years? It doesn’t seem real. 

The Communication Department has been my home for so long that I don’t know what I’ll do when it isn’t. T&C Media just felt like something I would always be part of. It doesn’t feel real that my time is ending, but when I look back at all I’ve done, I can’t believe it only took four years. I’ll miss you, 33. Be well. 

Former EIC, Managing Editor, and T&C Lifer, signing out.

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