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Kailey Mishler

Cards on the move logo (1).jpg

Otterbein communication students to host a virtual 5K

Students in the communications department are hosting a virtual 5K from April 7-10 to support pandemic relief for Otterbein students through the Nigel Chatman Student Emergency Fund.  Cards on the Move is a course project organized by students taking the COMM 2500 course, public relations techniques. Dan ...

Tempest 2021

Otterbein's Tempest premieres virtually April 22

Otterbein’s Theatre Department will be performing Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” for their upcoming play.  The play will be streamed virtually on opening night at 7:30 p.m., April 22. The performance will also be streamed April 23, 24 and 25.  The last time the theatre program did a Shakespearean ...

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